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by Product area Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for ProgrammabilityProgrammability
Show details for 14.0 FP314.0 FP3
Show details for 14.0 FP214.0 FP2
Show details for 14.0 FP114.0 FP1
Show details for 14.014.0
Show details for 12.0.2 FP512.0.2 FP5
Show details for 12.0.2 FP412.0.2 FP4
Hide details for 12.0.2 FP312.0.2 FP3
MNIACMGKUVProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue with XPages where XPages was unable to get the document when filtering a multi-column category and the next...
ASHECPGFW3Programmability - Web Services - Fixed a LotusScript memory crash that could occur when invoking a web service. This regression was introduced in...
MOBNCSTGH6Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue with the NotesIDVault methods IsIdInVault an PutUserIdInVault where they were failing to find users...
MOBNCSTGPZProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where certain Turkish characters in a user name was preventing rename from working when using the...
KKOOBZ9B2EProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue using the WriteText method of the NotesStream class where, when setting a character string in a file...
ASHECR3JXEProgrammability - LotusScript Debugger - Fixed an issue where the Globals section and variables within it were not visible when using the LotusScript...
SRKMCSCM5JProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where calling NotesEmbeddedObject.Activate from an agent in the Notes 64 bit client would result in...
JALLCT6GN6Programmability - DQL - Fixe an issue with DQL with date times where @ModifiedInThisFile and @Created dates returned wrong documents
JALLCTGRX8Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where DQL queries that used AND/OR and parentheses to group the DQL query didn't return any documents unless...
ASHECU5DHWProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where attachments being uploaded in XPages using the file upload control didn't work if the temporary...
RJJJCUACT8Programmability - LotusScript - 64 bit - Fixed an issue with notesSession.UseDoubleAsPointer when used in a hotspot/button where setting it to True...
AKURCVM7SDProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where LotusScript compiled on 14.0 EA2 didn't work correctly on older versions of Notes. Note, this...
ASHECU6DGLProgrammability - DAS (Domino Access Services) - Fixed an issue with Domino Access Services (DAS) where, for categorized views with more than one...
JALLCUYH3DProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue in XPages with RichText inside a section Control which had the initially close property set to true was not...
JALLCTPGJDProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue with NotesView FTSearch function when used in a servlet would always return 0 documents. This...
ASHECPGNABProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where XPages application wasn't showing message/rfc822 attachments
TJJNCX8LSRProgrammability - DQL - Fixed an issue where running a DQL Query with a "not" modifier would result in an exception in some cases.
JJARCXSK6BProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where uploading a file using NotesHTTPRequest.put request from Notes to Office 365 API is not...
PSHECSAHNMProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where XPages CKEditor was not loading when the browser language was "English (GB)" (en-gb). For a...
IFBTCZ5DBMProgrammability - XPages - Fixed an issue where the XPages theme would sometimes change to RTL rendering of all XPages in reverse (LTR). An...
PSHECXMDEZProgrammability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where NotesViewNavigator was returning nothing when Buffermaxentries was set more than 1. This...
Show details for 12.0.2 FP212.0.2 FP2


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